The Star Theatre Company Presents...
By turns wicked, funny, warm, romantic and touching, The Music Man is family entertainment at its best. Meredith Willson's six-time, Tony Award-winning musical comedy has been entertaining audiences since 1957 and is a family-friendly story to be shared with every generation. The Music Man follows fast-talking traveling salesman, Harold Hill, as he cons the people of River City, Iowa, into buying instruments and uniforms for a boys' band that he vows to organize – this, despite the fact that he doesn't know a trombone from a treble clef. His plans to skip town with the cash are foiled when he falls for Marian, the librarian, who transforms him into a respectable citizen by curtain's fall. Rated: G
Friday November 1, 7:30pm Friday November 8, 7:30pm
Saturday November 2, 7:30pm Saturday November 9, 2:00pm
Sunday November 3, 2:00pm Saturday November 9, 7:30pm
Sunday November 10, 2:00pm
If front-row seating is required for someone with special needs please contact the office (760.721.9983) and they will be happy to provide assistance over the phone.